we pride ourselves in providing excellent services
Remarkable Service; Affordable Price
Whether it’s a classic Porsche 928 S, or the latest 911 Carrera GTS, we can help you get the very best performance from your car.
01234 210012
If you have any questions, feel free to call us or get an appointment.
Porsche Minor Service
- A full check-over
- Engine oil and filter change
- Check and set fluid levels
- Check tyre pressure
- Road test
- Stamp in book
If any fault is found that is under the customer’s warranty as a PPN member, with communication with the customer, we can perform warranty work.
Minor Service
*Prices listed do not include VAT
Standard Price For Most Porsches Minor Service
911 (993) will cost £350
SUVs 2018+ will cost £360
924/928/944 range from £240 to £285

Porsche Major Service
- A full check-over
- Engine oil and filter change
- Check and set fluid levels
- Check tyre pressure
- Air filter replacement
- Cabin filter replacement
- Spark plug replacement
- Road test
- Stamp in book
Major Service
*Prices listed do not include VAT
Lowest Major Service Cost
Boxsters/Caymans range from £330 to £410
911s range from £340 to £490
SUVs range from £350 to £470
924/928/944 range from £350 to £470
Book Now
*Sparkplug prices are not included in the cost of the Major Service
If any fault is found that is under the customer’s warranty as a PPN member, with communication with the customer, we can perform warranty work.
Additional Services